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发布时间:2022/11/28 商业 浏览次数:729





平生喜文、喜乐、喜画。爱琓琴棋书画、爱读诗词戏曲。曾画油画,后画国画。近十年来专攻水绘山水、无笔花鸟,有较高成就,在业内产生了很大影响。尤其水绘山水画被业内认为是独树一帜的特殊画种。其作品有很高的观赏价值,研究价值,收藏价值和升值空间。曾被多家媒体报道,其作品被多家单位和个人收藏。并在CCTV书画频道获第三届书画展优秀作品奖并被收藏。在北京、成都、北海、珠海等地展出后引起轰动。因此目前市场有时还一品难求。其作品先后被加拿大、新加坡、山西、北京、甘肃、新疆等国内外书画收藏家收藏Wu Lansheng, pen name Ma LAN, stage name LAN Xuan, alias Yuntai Lay Shi, Yunqiu mountain people. Born in 1950, male, native of Xiangning, Shanxi Province, Chinese contemporary water painting master, founder of peony without pen, now living in Songzhuang Painting Village, Tongzhou, Beijing. He once served as a local leading cadre. Now he is a member of Shanxi Writers Association, a member of Shanxi Branch of Chinese Artists Association, a Chinese hair-like calligrapher and a first-class calligrapher. Director of China Arts and Crafts Association, master of industrial art, vice president of China Arts and Crafts Academy, researcher of Chinese Culture Research Association, consultant of China International Artists Association, and honorary president of Shanxi Hukou Calligraphy and Painting Academy and Oriental Calligraphy and Painting Academy, Shanxi special model Worker, Municipal special model worker, and awarded special merit.

All my life, I love writing, joy and painting. Love 琓 unique romance, love to read poetry drama. Once painted oil, after painting Chinese painting. In the past ten years, he has specialized in water painting, flowers and birds without pen, and has made high achievements, which has a great influence in the industry. In particular, water painting landscape painting is regarded as a unique special painting in the industry. His works have high ornamental value, research value, collection value and appreciation space. It has been reported by many media, and its works have been collected by many units and individuals. And in the CCTV painting and calligraphy channel won the third exhibition of excellent works award and collection. It caused a sensation after being exhibited in Beijing, Chengdu, Beihai, Zhuhai and other places. So the market is sometimes hard to find. His works have been collected by domestic and foreign calligraphy and painting collectors in Canada, Singapore, Shanxi, Beijing, Gansu, Xinjiang and so on

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